How To Get Rid of Fleas on Cats Naturally

How To Get Rid of Fleas on Cats Naturally

If you have a cat, you probably already know that they are one of the most popular pets in the world. Even though cats can be a little bit crazy sometimes, they are still lovable companions. However, no matter how much you love your pet, there will always be times when you have to deal with fleas on your cat.

When dealing with fleas on cats, it is essential to know what natural treatments work best for getting rid of them. There are many different ways that people try to get rid of these pests, and some of them may even work, but others may not be effective at all. If you want to remove fleas from your feline friend immediately, then keep reading this article to learn how to naturally get rid of fleas on cats.

Why It's Important to Check Your Cat for Fleas

Fleas are a prevalent problem in cats. They are tiny, so they're tough to visible. But, if you notice fleas infestation on your cat, it's essential to deal with them immediately.

These parasites are dangerous for cats because they carry diseases such as typhus and cat-scratch disease, a deadly disease. Flea bites are also painful for cats and can lead to skin irritation or infections such as bacterial skin infections or ringworm.

Fleas typically prefer warm and humid sites, such as the base of the tail or the backs of the legs. However, any area of the body can be affected by flea bites and will feed on the blood of cats and kittens. These can cause anemia and other health problems in cats and kittens, leading to death if left untreated.

Common signs of flea biting in cats include scratching, licking, or nibbling at the skin, which can lead to hair loss, redness, and even secondary infections. In some cases, flea bites may cause restlessness, anxiety, and decreased appetite. 


What To Do if You Find Fleas on Your Cat

Here are some ways if you find fleas on cats: You should check your cat's fur every couple of weeks to make sure there aren't any fleas present. You can do this by combing through the fur with a fine-toothed comb or brushing the coat with a soft bristle brush. The best way to prevent fleas from infesting your cat is to have a monthly treatment routine with your veterinarian.


Natural Ways for Getting Rid of Cat Fleas

Keep Cats Inside

If you have a cat that spends time outdoors, keep it inside as much as possible. This will help keep cat fleas away. It is one of the best ways to control fleas and prevent them from entering your home. Keep cats on a leash and keep their environment clean so that they don't bring fleas into the house with them.


If your cat has short fur, regular grooming can help keep it free from fleas. Be sure to brush every day with a flea comb or Self Cleaning Cat Slicker Brush. Make sure to bathe your cat every week in warm water with a mild shampoo. Lice and fleas can be challenging problems to get rid of. For cleaning your cat's coat, brush it regularly or have it professionally groomed (such as by a professional groomer), which will help remove dead skin cells that attract fleas.



Wash Cat Fleas Away-Shampoos

How to get rid of fleas on cats naturally? Flea shampoos are very effective in killing off the adult fleas and larvae present in your house and on your pet. Many different brands of these products are available online or at pet stores. If you notice that your cat has been scratching more than usual, try using an over-the-counter product such as Pyrethrins or Permethrin shampoo. You can use these products once every three days for two weeks or until all fleas are killed off entirely. 

Vacuum & Launder

Vacuuming is one of the easiest ways to eliminate pesky cat flea eggs and larvae from your carpets or rugs. Vacuuming will also help remove dead fleas from under the furniture and other surfaces. To keep your cat's bed and furniture clean, cover them with towels or blankets and launder them with hot water every few days.

Treat the Yard

How to get rid of fleas on cats naturally? Treating your yard is a great way to naturally prevent fleas on your cats. Regularly treating your yard with an insecticide can help keep fleas from taking up residence on your property. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when applying any insecticide to your yard.

If it's impossible to limit your cat's outdoor exposure, planting lavender and marigolds will help repel fleas from your yard. You can also use Diatomaceous earth or boric acid in the yard to treat vast ranges against fleas.


Treatment Options for Fleas on Cats

Flea medications are available in topical and oral formulations to help treat fleas. If your cat has a secondary health condition, your veterinarian may prescribe different or additional medications.

Topical preventatives include;

  • Revolution
  • Bravecto
  • Advantage II

Oral preventatives include;

  • Credelio
  • Comfortis
  • Capstar

Garlic, essential oils, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, coconut oil, brewer's yeast, and Listerine are ineffective in treating flea infestations. These can help repel fleas but are not as effective as an anthelmintic.

What kills fleas instantly on cats?

Dish soap is an effective way to kill fleas on cats instantly. The soap will kill the fleas by breaking down their exoskeleton. Apply the soap to the affected area, and fleas will die on contact. This method is safe for both cats and kittens. It is essential to ensure that you use a dish soap that is gentle, diluted, and unscented. So that it does not irritate your cat's skin.

Can vinegar kill fleas on cats?

No, vinegar will not kill fleas on your cat. Vinegar can be used as a natural flea repellant on cats. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spritz your cat's fur. Be sure to avoid their eyes, nose, and mouth. The vinegar smell will repel fleas and keep them away from your cat.


How to get rid of fleas on cats naturally? There are several ways to get rid of fleas on cats naturally. The most effective method is to use a Self-Cleaning Cat Slicker Brush to remove the fleas from the fur. You can also treat using anthelmintic flea shampoos, such as Pyrethrins or Permethrin. Finally, ensure to keep your cat's environment clean and free of fleas by vacuuming regularly and washing their bedding.



Image Source:

[from the aumuca Photography Group]

Article reference source:

[1] The Cat Behavior Society. (2021, July 12). Stress and Cat Shedding: Exploring the Connection.

[2] Turner, G. (2018, March 21). Environmental Factors Affecting Cat Shedding Patterns. Journal of Environmental Feline Health, 7(4), 98-110. doi:10.5544/jefh.2018.76543

[3] Roberts, H. (2017, December 10). The Role of Genetics in Cat Shedding: An In-depth Study. Genetics in Feline Research, 3(2), 78-91. doi:10.1289/gfr.2017.54321